Spring Training

It's the beginning of festival season in the Bay Area!  Hooray!  Much thanks to  False Profit, LLC for throwing such a great party and giving us all a chance to warm up our boogie muscles. 

Analogue Love - San Francisco Streets Project

I had three shots left of the new Impossible PX 680 Color Protection film, waiting patiently in my Polaroid camera.  So, yesterday afternoon I took a walk down my street and used them up.  The resulting images have some amazing color effects, and I'm really excited to stock up on some more film and begin a new photography collection: The San Francisco Streets Project.  One pack of film for one street.  The difficult part is narrowing down where to shoot!  I definitely cannot do every road in San Francisco unless the universe wants to shower me with serious cash (one pack of film, 8 shots, is $28!).  

If anyone wants to chime in with suggestions, I'm completely open to it.  Just name the street and why it should make it into the top ten.  :)  As always, thanks for checking out the blog. 


Just a heads up that anything on the site can be transformed into a beautiful, high-quality print for your walls.  I can print up to 24" x 36".  There are several options with regard to paper and mounting.  If you are interested in a print, please contact me.  I look forward to working with you!

Land's End

There are so many places in San Francisco that make you forget that you are in the middle of a major metropolis.  One of those places is Land's End.  Land's End is part of the Golden Gate National Recreational Area, which encompasses Ocean Beach, The Presidio, the Sutro Bath Ruins, the Golden Gate Bridge and beyond.  I love bringing visitors to this area. They are always in awe that THIS IS PART OF THE CITY!  

My friend and I hiked 7 miles today, from Ocean Beach to the Golden Gate Bridge.  I mostly shot pictures with my iPhone, but here are a few I took with the Canon.  I hope you enjoy. 

Arizona in Color

In God's Country - U2

Desert sky 
Dream beneath a desert sky 
The rivers run but soon run dry
We need new dreams tonight 

Desert rose 
Dreamed I saw a desert rose 
Dress torn in ribbons and in bows 
Like a siren she calls to me 

Sleep comes like a drug 
In God's Country 
Sad eyes, crooked crosses 
In God's Country 

Set me alight 
We'll punch a hole right through the night 
Everyday the dreamers die 
See what's on the other side 

She is liberty 
And she comes to rescue me 
Hope, faith, her vanity 
The greatest gift is gold 

Sleep comes like a drug 
In God's Country 
Sad eyes crooked crosses 
In God's Country 

Naked flame 
She stands with a naked flame 
I stand with the sons of Cain 
Burned by the fire of love 

Burned by the fire of love

Arizona in Black and White

I love the desert. I am drawn here by some primal need to slough away the cacophony of the everyday. I love the sparseness and simplicity. The rawness. Everything is exposed, including myself. To quote Edward Abbey, "Life is not crowded upon life."   Unlike the city, where everything is crowded upon everything. It is a healing place. A ritual place. Your heart and mind are completely open and vulnerable to the vast beauty around you. I give a piece of myself each time I visit, and my heart aches every time I leave. 

Pro tip: The album "Dive" by Tycho proves to be the best soundtrack when wandering alone in the desert wilderness.  Don't be surprised if you become so overcome with emotion that you forget to breathe. "The Joshua Tree" is the best album to listen to while driving east on I-40 at 90MPH. Thanks to Shanna Gillette for the U2 recommendation.

And a huge thank you to Jen Kiraly for letting me borrow your fine wide-angle lens while on this adventure.  


Bicycle Music Festival

This was a truly San Francisco event.  Held in Golden Gate Park and organized by Rock The Bike, happy revelers gathered in the beautiful sunshine and basked in a human powered musical experience.  It was a great time and an example of everything I love about my fair city. 









Photo excursion to one of San Francisco's most famous tourist destinations.  This place is a treat for anyone who loves to photograph decay.​